The IAC Building, InterActiveCorp's headquarters, designed by Architect Frank Gehry, is located at 555 West 18th Street in Chelsea, Manhattan, New York City. Gehry's style is full of waves and curves, and is as much a work of art as it is a work of architecture.

Like the IAC building above, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain was designed by Frank Gehry. It opened in 1997 and some would say they building itself is much more exciting than the art inside.
The ceiling of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain is supported by columns that represent the trunks of trees. Construction began in 1882 under under architect Francisco de Paula del Villar. The following year architect and artist Antoni Gaudí took over the project and it is distinctly his style. Construction has continued with an expected completion in 2016. The Sagrada Familia is pure art!