What are cloud forests? In general, they occur at higher elevations than what we typically think of as rain forest - literally In the Clouds. They are abundantly green and living in the "fog" of the clouds. Also known as tropical montane forests, the cloud forests of South America form along the western slope of the Andes Mountains. In Ecuador, they can be found north of Quito to south of Vilcabamba, near the border with Peru. There are numerous Cloud Forest Parks and Reserves in Ecuador. We visited the Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve, as well as the Alhambi Reserve with the primary focus on viewing the abundant species of hummingbirds. Some of those, as well as a few other bird species seen in January 2018, are shown below. This is not nearly a complete list of those seen - only those that I could take decent images of. In addition, I photographed a few of the plants in the area. The flora of South America is, at times, like viewing plants from a totally different world. And, I'm still working on identification of several of the plants included below. I am posting them on iNaturalist and am hopeful that I will get some assistance in this effort.
Ecuador Cloud Forest Hummingbirds

Buff-tailed Coronet

Buff-tailed Coronet

Green-crowned Brilliant

Green-crowned Brilliant

Collared Inca

Collared Inca

Speckled Hummingbird

White-necked Jacobin

White-necked Jacobin

Purple-throated Woodstar (female)

Andean Emerald

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Booted Racket-tail
Other Ecuador Cloud Forest Birds

Russet-crowned Warbler

Masked Flowerpiercer

Blue-winged Mountain Tanager

Smoke-coloured Pewee

White-lined Tanager

Female Flame-rumped Tanager
Ecuador Cloud Forest Plants

Possible: Iochroma fuchsioides - Red Iochroma

Kohleria affinis in the Gesneriaceae Family



Bomarea pardina

Possible: Burmeistera spp.

Possible: Chaetogastra spp.

Cipuropsis capituligera

Thunbergia alata